Potpisan ugovor o saradnji sa Cohen & Yosef Intelligence Associates
Centar za bezbednost, istrage i odbranu DBA potpisao je Ugovor o saradnji sa Cohen & Yosef Intelligence Associates iz Londona.
Saradnja će se ogladati u zajedničkom organizovanju obuka iz antiterorizma, cyber intelligence i cyber security.
Founder and Director of Intelligence & Security
Expert Military Intelligence and Counter Intelligence, Israeli Tactical Weapons
Counter Terrorism – Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol – Close Quarter Battle,
Israeli Tatical Weapons
Head Instructor, KAPAP
Bachelor Laws,LL.B
25 Years Operational Experienc
Risks Senior Intelligence Counselor, Confidential Companies, Middle East and Africa
Economics Senior Intelligence Counselor, Confidential Companies, Governments,
MNCs, NGOs, South America, Middle East and Europe
F.I.O., ret.